Thursday, February 1, 2007

I almost forgot the funniest thing happened today!!!

It was about 9:40 this morning and I was running seriously late--late is not so funny but normal. I had Julianna and Molly as well as two of my girlfriends kids, and WE HAD TO GOOOOO! It was freezing cold and raining and the ground out back where I park was and still is 2 inches deep, I lectured everyone on the importance of staying on the sidewalk and the driveway and be quick but be CAREFUL...I had everyone loaded and ran back in to get a forgotten lunchbox... that is when it happened. I slipped in the muddy, slick and ever so COLD mud. Yeah, I should listen and follow my own instructions. I fell on my behind and had mud and freezing water to my underwear, all over my coat, down my thick socks and in my warm shoes, up my back, yuck--this is not what I was thinking at the time though, I immediately jumped up took inventory as to who could have witnessed my stupidity. (Hoping that I managed to make this accident unscathed by anyone else's knowledge) I did laugh, as I ran into the house shower and change in less than 2 min. I was back out in record time and we were on our way. I am still trying to get warm!!!