Wednesday, January 16, 2008


My daughter, Emma is home today. She is not throwing up relentlessly, not an ear-ache, no high fever and body aches. It appears that she has pink eye. I have been so blessed this school year with having very healthy kids. Last year, this was not the case. I personally had never experienced any illness like this.
So, I am grateful! I will take itchy eyes over barfing, fevers and ear drum ruptures!
Now we are off to the pediatricians office:)


Amy Parris said...

Hope she's doing better!

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

Amen! I will take small sickness any day over the big stuff!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Sorry I've been a bit absent from visiting. Even when we're healthy things are crazy!! (as you well know!)

Hope you are feeling well too. Pregnancy alone is hard enough...

Lauren said...

Just so you know pink eye comes from fecal matter germies. Keep her away from me. I don't do pink eye.